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Bangladesh is jumping into the Digital Bank era, embracing the future.

After receiving the central bank's letter of intent (LoI) in October of last year, Nagad is prepared to receive a license for its "Nagad Digital Bank" since it has fulfilled all requirements. Kori Digital Bank has been granted an additional six months to fulfill the conditions set by the Bangladesh Bank. (News: thedailystar.net, May 28, 2024). 


Bangladesh, a country renowned for its dynamic culture and robust economic development, is embracing the future of banking with the emergence of Digital Banks. With their cutting-edge technology and innovative mindsets, digital banks are about to revolutionize the financial industry. Introducing the Digital Bank, a groundbreaking advancement that is revolutionizing the financial industry in Bangladesh.

What is a Digital Bank?

Digital banks do not have any brick-and-mortar locations; they operate entirely online. Savings accounts, checking accounts, loans, and credit cards are just a few financial products and services they offer. These services can be accessed easily through websites and mobile apps.

Digital Banks: How it works


  • Digital at the Core: Digital banks use a user-friendly mobile app and web platform for account opening, management, transactions, and financial tools.
  • Technology Backbone: Robust digital infrastructure ensures smooth operation, data security, and scalability.
  • Streamlined Processes: Digital banks prioritize quick account opening, focusing on convenience and reducing operational costs.
  • Earning Revenue: Some digital banks charge transaction fees subscription fees, and offer loan products.
  • Security Measures: Digital banks use robust encryption technologies and multi-factor authentication.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Digital banks must comply with relevant financial regulations to ensure consumer protection.
  • Partnerships: Some digital banks partner with established financial institutions for back-end services, allowing for innovation and user experience.


Digital Bank Vs Traditional Bank and Mobile Financial Services:

Mobile financial services have significantly boosted the digital financial process in Bangladesh, leading to great success. With the introduction of the Digital Bank, let us explore how it differs from Mobile Financial Services and the Traditional Banking System.


As a customer, choosing the Right Fit is always important:

The best choice for you will depend on your desires and preferences. Think about how you normally handle your money and what factors are most important to you. If you study, you can find the best financial service that fits your needs.


  • Traditional banks are ideal customers for those who value in-person service, a diverse selection of financial products, and the assurance that comes with a long-standing institution.
  • Mobile Financial Services are ideal for individuals who value the convenience of conducting everyday transactions and payments while on the move.
  • Digital banks are an excellent option for technology-savvy consumers who value convenience, attractive interest rates, and a contemporary banking experience.


Digital banks go beyond the limitations of traditional banking. It seamlessly integrate into the daily lives of consumers. Imagine the capability to manage bill payments, financial transfers, and investment management all in one convenient application. They create inclusive platforms that foster collaboration among banks, Fintechs, and other participants. Digital banks support the government's vision of a Smart Bangladesh, where financial inclusion and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. These banks are focused on serving the tech-savvy youth. Their mobile apps are designed to provide personalized experiences, ensure prompt responses, and deliver innovative solutions.





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