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Leverage LinkedIn's Data to Strengthen Your Thought Leadership Efforts

LinkedIn has experienced significant growth in recent years, with over one billion users, a 42% surge in content shares, and 450 million subscriptions for specialized features. However, business teams need to utilize the platform's valuable data, essential for refining social strategy and platforms. The structure of LinkedIn's data ecosystem contributes to this oversight, as there are no third-party applications that integrate with LinkedIn's API to enable platform-wide metric grabs. Collecting data involves either back-end access to an executive's profile or the time-consuming, laborious generation of data.

Data integration is a challenge, as the "creator mode" dashboard is the most commonly used data source, offering a comprehensive summary of an executive's LinkedIn page performance. However, obtaining specific post-level data requires manual investigation. Other potentially valuable data strata include profile view statistics, profile view statistics, and a specialized analytics dashboard.

We can implement three suggestions to optimize the decision-making process for executive eminence programs:

1. Construct an Exhaustive LinkedIn Data Lake Hub: Consolidate all accessible LinkedIn data sets into a unified and centralized portal by manually extracting and downloading crucial data elements from an executive's profile, followed by data cleansing and organization for on-demand analysis.

2. Implement a Strict Data Collection Schedule: Establish a systematic data collection procedure incorporating oversight mechanisms to prevent errors during manual collection. This can maximize LinkedIn data's potential. MikeWorldWide collects monthly "creator mode" and profile data and adds post-level data two weeks after each published post to provide a more comprehensive view of the content's shelf life.

3. Implement sophisticated AI to enhance data analysis and content recommendations: Utilize AI to quickly process enormous datasets and uncover intricate patterns that may not be readily apparent. AI can estimate the potential efficacy of diverse content strategies or copy recommendations, enabling more informed decisions based on data with enhanced accuracy and assurance. Integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence with your data lake can significantly enhance the likelihood of establishing substantial executive visibility and corporate reputation on LinkedIn.

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