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Digital Inclusion: The Integration of Next-Generation RTM Capabilities (Part 3: The integration of digital and offline strategies)

 Part 3: With retail serving as the primary facilitator, a combination of digital and offline tactics is the most effective way to bring the channel's stakeholders closer together.

The FMCG company aims to enhance sales by integrating its online and offline sales channels. This entails forming a team accountable for enhancing the efficiency of both digital and physical channels. The team will supervise several aspects, including fixed activation teams specific to the area, merchandising conducted by retailers, cluster activation, and brand advocacy carried out by retailers.

It encompasses techniques for monitoring consumer perceptions and fostering brand loyalty. The methods encompass automated tracking via an automated system, AI-driven picture identification for merchandising tasks, monitoring consumer insights, a trade loyalty program, sample surveys, and tracking loyalty program status. Information will be gathered from multiple sources, such as a Consumer App, Wholesaler App, Field Force App, and Retailer App, and then transmitted to a central system for examination.

By aggregating data from several sources, the organization can acquire valuable insights into consumer behavior, enhancing its marketing and sales tactics. The strategy is to connect online and offline sales channels, providing effective merchandising, product delivery, and brand promotion.



The process outlines a method for FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) companies to enhance communication and collaboration among stakeholders engaged in online and offline sales channels. It emphasizes strengthening relationships across various parts of the supply chain.

Here's a breakdown of the key components:

One Team for Offline & Digital Optimization: The company should establish a unified team to oversee online and physical stores. This could help ensure a more cohesive customer experience across all channels.

Area Wise Fixed Activation Team refers to teams designated to promote the brand in specific regions. They would likely be responsible for tasks such as:

- Ensuring proper product placement in stores (merchandising)

- Delivering products to consumers

- Educating retailers and consumers about the brand and its benefits (brand advocacy)

- Encouraging customer loyalty

Merchandising by Retailers: This means that retailers would have some control over how products are displayed in their stores.

Cluster Activation, Brand Advocacy by Retailers: These represent the desired outcomes of having a unified approach across online and offline channels. These outcomes include:

- Effective in-store promotion (cluster activation)

- Increased brand loyalty among retailers (brand advocacy)

- A positive overall experience for consumers (superior consumer experience)

Trade Loyalty Program & Consumer Engagement: The system may incorporate features to enhance customer loyalty and brand advocacy.

Data Analytics for RTM Optimization: The system would leverage data analytics to improve the company's route-to-market (RTM) strategy. RTM refers to getting products from the manufacturer to the consumer, and optimizing it can help ensure efficient delivery and product availability.

The lower section of the diagram illustrates the process for collecting and analyzing data:

  • Data Collection: Data will be collected from consumer apps, wholesaler apps, field force apps, and retailer apps, likely including sales information, inventory levels, and customer preferences.
  • Automated Tracking: Automated systems will track and monitor this data.
  • Consumer Psychographic Analysis and Retail Capacity Analysis: These analyses will help the company understand its target audience and the capabilities of its retail partners. 

The proposed process suggests using data-driven methods to enhance communication and collaboration between FMCG companies and the parties involved in delivering products to consumers. By bridging the gap between these groups, the company can boost sales, strengthen brand loyalty, and enhance the overall customer experience.



An FMCG company sells low-cost products and uses a single-platform approach to analyze consumer touchpoints and improve marketing strategies. However, this approach is limited as it only focuses on the consumer side.

An integrated approach in FMCG incorporates consumer, retailer, and distributor aspects into a single system. It allows the company to gain a holistic view of operations and identify areas for improvement by analyzing consumer purchase patterns to adjust inventory levels.

The benefits of an integrated approach include:

  • Smooth and cost-effective management.
  • Online learning content.
  • Brand advocacy through post-engagement psychographic questioning.
  • Data intelligence that can assist with RTM decisions.

This approach gives FMCG companies a significant advantage in today's competitive marketplace by combining digital process optimization and a comprehensive view of their operations.


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